Musescore Keyboard Shortcuts

Note Input mode

Nnote input mode (escape)
cmd + left/rightprev/next measure
left/rightprev/next note
alt + down/upnote below/above
cmd +shift + irepitch mode
 shift + alt + ↑ ↓move a note diatonically
shift + noteenter chord tones
alt + 1-7enter interval for next chord note
cmd + shift + note nameinsert notes
hold shift before clickingselect whole chord
↑ ↓increase/decrease the pitch
Jenharmonic equivalent
Rrepeat the last entered note
Qhalve the duration of the last entered note
Wdouble the duration of the last entered note
shift + Qdecrease duration by a dot
backspaceundo last entered note
shift + ← →Exchange last entered note
Xflip direction of note stem
shift + XMove note head to opposite side of stem