
Subsections of Resources

Musescore and Music Notation

MuseScore Manual

English Handbook for MuseScore 3 also available in fr and de.

MuseScore Youtube Channel

Official MuseScore youtube channel

Online Course

One of the main MuseScore contributors, Marc Marc Sabatella created this online course (some content is free).

Musescore Forum is an excellent forum where beginners and more advanced users cans ask questions and find information on all aspects of MuseScore and music engraving.

Music Notation

Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide To Music Notation1 by Elaine Gould is a (definite?) reference book on all aspects of music notation. On 704 pages it covers:

“everything from basic rules, conventions and themes to complex instrumental techniques, empowering the reader to prepare music with total clarity and precision. With the advent of computer technology, it has never been more important for musicians to have ready access to principles of best practice in this dynamic field, and this book will support the endeavours of software users and devotees of hand-copying alike. The author’s understanding of, and passion for, her subject has resulted in a book that is not only practical but also compellingly readable. This seminal and all-encompassing guide encourages new standards of excellence and accuracy and, at a weighty 704 pages, it is supported by 1,500 music examples of published scores from Bach to Xenakis. This is a hardback book, with dust jacket.”

alt is specialized in music notation software and related products and technology. A podcast and regular news give an complete overview of notation software such as MuseScore, Dorico, Sibelius, Finale, etc. and …

Engraving Software Wars

… on the-who-is-the-winner question please also refer to

  1. Gould, Elaine. Behind bars: the definitive guide to music notation. Faber Music Ltd, 2016. ↩︎

Musescore Keyboard Shortcuts

Note Input mode

Nnote input mode (escape)
cmd + left/rightprev/next measure
left/rightprev/next note
alt + down/upnote below/above
cmd +shift + irepitch mode
 shift + alt + ↑ ↓move a note diatonically
shift + noteenter chord tones
alt + 1-7enter interval for next chord note
cmd + shift + note nameinsert notes
hold shift before clickingselect whole chord
↑ ↓increase/decrease the pitch
Jenharmonic equivalent
Rrepeat the last entered note
Qhalve the duration of the last entered note
Wdouble the duration of the last entered note
shift + Qdecrease duration by a dot
backspaceundo last entered note
shift + ← →Exchange last entered note
Xflip direction of note stem
shift + XMove note head to opposite side of stem