Normal Mode

Normal mode

Normal mode vs note input mode:

Escape is your friend

“To leave Note Input mode, click on the Note Input tool button, press N, or press Esc. This puts you in Normal mode, in which you can change durations and delete notes or rests as follows:

  • If you select a note and press Del the note will be replaced by a rest of the same duration.
  • If you select a note or rest and press Ctrl + Del the note/rest will be deleted, and subsequent notes moved backward (see Remove selected range).
  • If you reduce the duration of a note or rest the remaining duration will be filled with rests.
  • If you increase the duration of a note or rest it will subtract duration from the subsequent notes/rests to make up the duration. If this is done on the last note/rest in the measure, a note or rest with the required duration will be inserted in the start of the following measure, and the two will be tied together.”